Sunday, April 06, 2008

Hugh Laurie

So I about fainted when I realized that the star of the hit TV show House is Hugh Laurie. I discovered this only yesterday when I actually sat down/lay down and watched an episode. You see, I know him more for this:

And I expect from him things like this:

(Side note: I too, was at one point in love with Steffi Graf. But then weren't we all?)

But, never, never, in a thousand years, this:

He even has the accent down pat. Incredible. And he is such a massive **ck. Incredible.

I was always a fan of Hugh Grant... especially because it has oft been said that I look *ahem ahem* strikingly like him. But today, I have a new favorite Hugh, a Hugh who goes from being a stupid prince to a lispy recording artist to a complete jerk of a brilliant doctor. Hugh Laurie, I salute you.