Saturday, March 08, 2008


So I haven't been quite so well this past week; a throat situation combined with the kind of coughs that rearrange your insides (well, mine in this case) has rendered me quite miserable.

So, this afternoon, on my first day off in a couple of weeks, I decided to try a little something to get rid of this affliction. I implemented the age old, mother-recommended cure for the dry cough and the congestion: Steam inhalation.

I boiled water, got myself a towel and sat in our lounge. There I was, head bent over pan of water, towel sealing heat in, inhaling deeply and pretending that my face wasn't being singed. Clay and Isaac were in the house, pottering around. Clay was quite intrigued by my cough remedy.

Suddenly, I head him say, "Oh!!" Then stomp stomp stomp as he ran from the kitchen, through the lounge (where I was doing steam) and into Isaac's room. "Hey Isaac!" he said excitedly, "Shahyan's a towelhead!"

And they both found this to be exceedingly funny. It was funny, I suppose, but more weak smile funny than the hearty ha-ha-ha funny that they thought it was...

Oh well, simple things please simple minds, what? This is towelhead, signing off.


Unknown said...

see what wearing shorts in winter does to you. hope you feel well soon. just went through the realigning of my insides a couple of weeks back. let me give you another remedy, desi ofcourse but USA style and tasty to boot. buy some powdered cinnamon and mix a teaspoon in some honey and eat that. dont make it runny tho.take care.

KM said...

for congestion add salt to the hot water...and inhale deeply.

S. said...

hahaha, he POSTS! it lives!