Monday, February 07, 2005

Lamisil AT

So I may be taking this humble beginnings thing a little too far. In all honesty, my first "real" blog should be a rant about the growing epidemic of AIDS, the morally bankrupt liberal left (how DARE they suggest people might have rights that the government won't give them??) or the Middle East. Everyone loves a blog about the Middle East. As you will see however, I have written about the latest craze that's making waves in toenail fungus removal circles: Lamisil AT!

I was watching a basketball game the other day* and damned if, during a commercial break, my eyes weren't suddenly assailed by a fungus-ridden toe. Now I'm as liberal as the next man (alright, maybe only every other man or every third man), but honestly, there are some things that should be kept off our screens and in the bedroom, preferably in a shoe.

Anyway, this ugly brown fellow appears (still on the TV here) and starts crowing with joy or something. Then the toenail (not the toe, just the toenail) miraculously lifts itself allowing this brown creature thing to gain entry to the mysterious region we'll call "the mysterious region between toe and toenail." Not much later, we see him saying hello to a few buds (friends, not the beer) and commenting on the wonderful view anyone who lives in this "mysterious region" has. Out of the blue, this huge white pill drops down on the scene and, in what I think was meant to be the beginning of a slow motion nuclear holcaust, our little brown pals are displaced from their humble home. I guess you could say they were NAILed. Haha.

Long story short, I went online looking for a clip of that commercial (but didn't find it, and still haven't). I can however, offer this advice: If you have a fear of fungus-ridden toes or toes in general, do not, repeat, DO NOT visit the Lamisil website. There's a larger than life photo of a really ugly toe (and the brown thing we've grown so fond of, but that's not important). My point is this: You don't need a photograph of a sickening toe on your website to sell your product, no matter how related to sickening toes your product is. The people who don't have toenail fungus don't want to know what toenail fungus looks like. And the people who do, well, they already know, don't they?

If you are brave enough to venture, be sure to check out the "Treatment Stories" section. They're oh-so-heartwarming. Especially the story of Elizabeth, who "has diabetes, so she was very concerned about her toenails." I hear she's getting a Purple Heart sometime later this year, the brave soul.

Lamisil AT: Protecting your toenails and whatever the hell is under them since 2004.

*this Saturday

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have some blogs too. Yours is interesting. It gave me some inspirations. Thanks
Jeff - nail fungus cream