Been a bit of a busy week for me, what with academic commitments and finding out that my car has an oxygen sensor, then finding out that it actually has two, but then only being able to find one on the actual car itself. So you see why I haven't had time to post. The Daily Show still hasn't come to me on its knees by the way. Y'all need to get your telephoning skills in order right quick (and I mean ALL of you... all 3 of you...).
So what's with this Vijay Singh fellow anyway? He gets all up in Phil Mickleson's face because... get this... Mickleson's spikes were too large. Apparently poor Vijay had a hard time putting on the 12th green during the second round of the Masters this weekend because of the gaping craters left by Phil's oversize spikes. What a wimp. Golf is barely a sport anyway, Veej, and if pinprick-sized holes are going to bother you, you may as well take your Fijian behind and your primadonna temperament to the Spelling Bee. Seriously, spelling is a sport too. They show it on ESPN. Do you know how to spell Lilliputian?
Did you hear about how the US Secret Service is protecting a pregnant duck? So this mallard sets up nest right outside the US Treasury building and lays eggs, right? And the Secret Service is nice enough to build a shelter for it. Nothing against that... nice of the fellows if you ask me. But I was wondering what would happen if I, or any other person for that matter, decided to set up nest on the stairs of the Treasury Building. And then lay stuff... probably not eggs. I don't see the Secret Service protecting me... or the Secretary of the Treasury stopping by to say Good Morning. *sigh* Even ducks have more rights than I do. Maybe the duck's protesting what Bush is trying to do to Social Security or something. Smart animals these ducks are... you never know. I wonder if the Secret Service frisked it...
Yeah, I'm really not on form right now. So I'm done.
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Mr. Singh showed the world what he's made of during his much-publicized sexist reaction to Anika Sornstam's participation in a PGA event. The world has also long known that minority status in one category does not translate into expanded social consciousness about majority/minority relations generally. No one knows why.
golf isn't a sport, glad someone else agrees
just like chess isn't a sport
Chess and Golf are both sports, get over it... now spelling.. hm.. I don't think quite so.. even if it is shown on ESPN
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